Local Outreach through Grace
We have an on-going commitment to serve our local communities. See the list below of our ministry partners.
Are you interested in serving our communities through Local Outreach? We'd love to hear from you!
Hurricane Helene Relief Concert - Update
November's hurricane relief concert was a success!
We are excited to announce that we have raised over $29,000 for Black Mountain Home for Children.
Thank you for your generosity!
Help Lead Worship at Terrabella Assisted Living in Hendersonville
We will be leading a service on the third Sunday of every month at Terrabella Assisted Living in Hendersonville. The service will be held at 2pm, consisting of about 3 songs/hymns, and a very short (5-10 minutes) word of encouragement. If you are interested in participating in this local outreach event, please contact Jeff Leider ( ) or Woody Dotson ( ) for more details. All are welcome to participate including teens and children!
Food Donations for BackPack Program
The Backpack Program is designed for local schools to assist families who could use some extra help with food for their children on weekends. Food bags are sent home with anonymously with students each week thanks to the generosity of local churches and organizations. GMR donates non-perishable, light weight items to the Backpack Program at our surrounding elementary and middle schools. We will be collecting these through out the school year.
Please check expiration dates! We do not accept donations of expired food.
Items include these child-friendly packaged items:
-Ramen noodles
-Fruit cups
-Individually packaged snacks
-Mac and cheese bowls
-Granola bars
Please do not donate large or heavy canned items as these items are for young, elementary-aged students.
The backpack program is in urgent need of oatmeal packets, fruit cups, and ramen.
If you are able, please bring these items to the CM hallway as we strive to help keep the kids in our community fed.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with collection, organization, or food delivery, please contact Christen at
Thank you for your generosity!
Meet Our Local Outreach Partners
Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth, and Families
When children are in need of out-of-home placement, BMH can meet those needs through all the stages and phases of their growing up years. From infants born prematurely or with addictions to young adults working toward an educational or career goal, the ministry provides a safe, supportive home for youth of all ages and stages. To speak with someone about how you may be involved with BMH call: 828.686.3451 or email or contact the Black Mountain Home Thrift Store at 828-581-0596.
Least of These
Least of These Asheville is a nonprofit that feeds a warm breakfast to the homeless community of Asheville every Saturday morning. We are always looking for groups big or small to come join us on a Saturday morning. Least of These is able to provide a hot breakfast, clothing, blankets, tents and other living essentials to our guests because of generous donations. Donations can be delivered to Missio Dei Church at 531 Haywood Rd in Asheville or sent to LOT Asheville PO Box 895 Fletcher NC 28732.
Contact Liz Loop at
with any questions.
Interfaith Assistance Ministry
IAM’s mission is to provide emergency relief to Hendersonville County Residents who are in financial crisis by offering food, clothing, utility and rental assistance to those who qualify, school supplies, prescription support and overall guidance in an atmosphere of compassion and respect. Volunteers are needed Monday-Saturdays from 9am-1pm. They can assist in the clothing and pantry areas or as an intake interviewer after a small amount of training.
Please contact the volunteer manager at 828-697-7029 or email .
The Storehouse
The Storehouse is a Christ-centered food and hygiene pantry serving the low income, elderly and needy families of Henderson County. Want to help at the Storehouse? You can volunteer time or talents! Volunteer any amount of time to helping us run The Storehouse or help with letter writing, data entry, handyman services, driver, etc.
Call the Storehouse to find out more. (828) 692-8300
Asheville / Buncombe County Christian Ministries
While responding to meet emergency needs, we develop strategic plans to address root causes of poverty, take steps to achieve independent living skills and restore lives in the community. We accomplish this through these ministries: Crisis Ministry, Jail/ Ministry, Veterans Restoration Quarters, Steadfast House, Medical Ministry and Veteran Services of the Carolinas. ABCCM is generously supported by over 289 churches of all denominations and 6,100 trained volunteers and provides emergency assistance to anyone in need regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability. ABCCM stimulates doing together what individual congregations and individuals cannot do separately.
Young Life of Henderson County
Young Life of Henderson County is an outreach ministry to local teenagers. Our mission in Young Life is to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. Our main method to reach teenagers is through genuine friendships with caring adults. A team staff and volunteer leaders invest in authentic relationships with high school students, walk alongside them through life, and share the gospel with them. We seek to reach kids with humor, adventure, and caring for every kid regardless of their response. We believe every teenager deserves the opportunity to hear about Jesus in a way they can understand from someone who cares about them.
To volunteer contact Graham at:
Hope Coalition
Hope Coalition's mission is dedicated to preventing substance use among youth and focusing on long-term recovery for anyone impacted by alcohol and drug addiction. They work hand in hand with public schools, law enforcement, health department, healthcare organizations and other community non-profits and agencies to effect change.
Kairos Prison Ministry International is a cross denominational ministry with the purpose of sharing Gods unconditional love to the incarcerated. Kairos focuses on developing and promoting a strong Christian brotherhood amongst the inmates within the prison community through their ‘Kairos weekends’ and subsequent monthly reunions'.
To serve as part of the Grace Kairos team or for more information please contact: Jeff Leider:
Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound is an organization in Buncombe County that reaches out to the most vulnerable homeless individuals living on the streets of our community to connect them with permanent supportive housing, healthcare, disability income, and community mental health services. They run the AHOPE Day Center, Western North Carolina’s only day center for people experiencing homelessness and it meets a crucial need. Visit their website for volunteer opportunities or information on donations needed https://homewardboundwnc.org/
Safelight is a nonprofit agency in Henderson County that provides support for survivors of interpersonal violence, sexual assault and child abuse. They make it possible for families who want to be free of violent relationships, to succeed. They offer free, confidential help for adults and children. Their services include a 24-hour crisis line, emergency shelter, advocacy, counseling, case management, support groups, job training, and much more.
Visit their website for more information: