Please read completely before submitting your request. Please use the following forms and guidelines to share your ministry opportunity.
1.) To request facility use at Grace Mills River property, please submit a Facilities Use Request Form. (Requests must be submitted 14 days before your event. Facility requests must be approved before publicity starts.)
2.) To request publicity for your event, please submit a Publicity Request Form. (Requests must be submitted 10 days prior to the start of your publicity.) Please note: Due to the volume of announcements and limited time on Sunday mornings, the following *guidelines* are in place for announcements.
Dates of verbal announcements are up to the discretion of the communications team. The team will generally use the following guide:
- This is a request for publicity. You will receive notification from the Communications Team once your request has been reviewed.
- The following form should be submitted at least 10 days prior to the requested publication date.
- All publicity requests are reviewed on a weekly basis.
- Church Wide Events will be announced verbally for 3 weeks before event
- Ministry-Specific Events (ex. Worship & Arts, Discipleship, Youth, Children, Men, Women, Mercy / Diaconate, Local & Global) will be announced verbally for 2 weeks before event
- Recurring Church-Wide Events (ex. Renewal Nights, Meet & Greets) will be announced verbally 1 week before (& the day of if it’s a Sunday event)
- Announcements for church-wide and ministry specific events will be listed in the weekly email update 3 weeks, as space allows, and linked to the website for full details/registration.
Facilities Use Request Form Publicity Request Form
If you need additional communications resources (eg. graphics, online registration, printed material), please indicate as such on the Publicity Request Form and a member of the communications team will contact you. Please allow an additional 2 weeks (14 days) production time.
If you have any questions about our property, facilities, communications, publicity, etc, please contact us at