Community and Body Life


Yard Day at Grace

Come join us to spruce up the grounds at GMR on Saturday, March 29th from 9am-noon, tentatively. We will be spreading mulch, weeding, and trimming. Tools such as pitchforks, weeding tools, rakes, tarps, and trimming tools are needed (please label all tools with your name). Pickup trucks for mulch are also needed.

To volunteer, please contact Micki and Roger Jensen at .


Ongoing Events

Sunday Lunch Gatherings

  • Description: Are you hungry after worship on Sundays? Do you have trouble figuring out or agreeing on where to go or what to have? If so, let us make it easy on you, join various Grace leaders at a local restaurant for some food & fellowship.
  • When & Where: TBA
  • Register: No registration needed. Just head over to the restaurant after the service.


Sunday Meet & Greets

Allison Rickman -

  • Description: If you are new to Grace or have been coming for a while - we would love to meet you! Every other month a few of our leaders will be waiting to welcome you, answer your questions and help you get connected at Grace. We will meet immediate following the service across from the Information Desk.
  • When: The second Sunday of each month immediately following the service. *Keep an eye out in the weekly email update for any date changes. It may have to be moved from time to time based on other events and holidays.
  • Where: Across from the Information Desk
  • Questions: Email Allison Rickman.
  • Register: No registration needed. Just drop by after the service.


Becoming Family Membership Class

Allison Rickman -

  • Description: Join us to learn more about Grace ministries, our distinctives, values, philosophy and vision. This is a great way to get to know us whether you want to find out more about GMR or are ready to become a member. *Required for membership.
  • When: Stay tuned for upcoming dates
  • Where: GMR Education Building - Room 306
  • Register:


Shepherding Ministry

Rick Hebert -

  • Description: The Grace elders are committed to shepherding the members as encouraged in scripture. The purpose of the Shepherding Ministry is to help every member feel cared for, and encouraged to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Basic Structure: Each member is assigned to a Parish based on their home address. A Parish Shepherd, GMR elder, is assigned to each parish. The purpose is to help provide a personal connection with each member and leadership.
  • Questions: Email Rick Hebert.


Ways to Serve the GMR Body


Meal Train

Sheryl Mathis - or Julie Ledford -

  • Description: Our Diaconate has had several needs for meal preparation for our church families during times of illness, surgery, etc. We are in the process of building a group of folks that would like to help provide meals when needs arise. If you would like to help with meal preparation, please contact either Sheryl or Julie.
  • Questions: Contact Sheryl Mathis - (828-243-5749)  or Julie Ledford - (828-891-5332).