
In order to make discipleship at Grace community-focused and not only content-driven, we provide several venues for deepened spiritual friendship amongst men. This includes seasonal gatherings and weekly connections, some of which is listed below. Please contact Andrew ( ) for more information about how to connect with us. 


Annual Men's Retreat - Save the Date!

Join the Men of Grace for our third annual men's retreat Friday night-Saturday afternoon, September 13-14, 2024 at Camp Ridgehaven (an hour away from Grace) near Rosman! The cost, supplemented by Grace Church, for a double occupancy hotel-style room, 3 meals, and other activities, is $75 per person. We will hear great speakers, participate in small group discussions, enjoy free time and prayer in God’s beautiful outdoors, and encourage one another as brothers in Christ. (Space is limited - register soon!)

Register Now

Men Only - Studies, Gatherings & Opportunities

Saturday Morning Breakfast Gatherings - Dave Bokmiller -

  • Description: The Men's Breakfast Group meets for a time of fellowship, Bible-based study, discussion & prayer.
  • When: 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month, 8AM - 9:30AM *watch the website for any schedule changes 
  • Where: GMR Cafe
  • Questions: Email Dave Bokmiller.

Wednesday Night Bible Study - Jim Pearce -

  • Description: A book study and a time for fellowship and mutual encouragement.
  • When: Wednesday evenings at 6:00PM
  • Where: GMR - Education Building - Room 304
  • Questions: Email Jim Pearce.

Men’s Mountain Biking - Josh Smoyer -

  • Description: You already know we live in a mountain biking paradise. But you may not know how to ride with other guys at Grace. Now you do!
  • When: Next ride, TBA!
  • Where:  TBA
  • Questions: Email Josh to RSVP