
Life in Ten Words

Life in Ten Words

Life in Ten Words: Finding life – and more – in the Ten Commandments

They’re far from being a mere set of rules. It’s better to think of the Ten Commandments as if vows spoken between spouses as personal commitments for the sake of finding all that marriage means and offers. Like such promises, faithfulness to the Commandments is a way to life.

Easter Egg, the hidden figure of  Elijah in the life of Jesus

Easter Egg, the hidden figure of Elijah in the life of Jesus

In film, “easter-eggs” are little recognitions of other stories which directors subtly sprinkle into their own work. Through our study of Mark’s gospel, we heard frequent references – easter-eggs you might say – to Elijah, the bold and still human prophet of the northern kingdom of Israel during its spiral into dissolution.

Follow: Learning from Mark about Jesus’ Most Misunderstood Command

Follow: Learning from Mark about Jesus’ Most Misunderstood Command

Of all the commands Jesus spoke, perhaps the most misunderstood was the call to follow Him. The misunderstanding stemmed from a similar misunderstanding of who he was, what he was coming to do, and what following him would, and would not, require. For the next several months we will ask the simple question: what does it mean to follow Jesus? We begin by ruling out one thing it simply cannot mean: please, don’t admire Him.

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