
Of Kings and Kingdoms - Daniel

Of Kings and Kingdoms - Daniel

This fall we turn to the book of Daniel. Of Kings and Kingdoms is our theme: his faithfulness to God in service to multiple foreign kings of multiple kingdoms, with the Kingdom that will outlast them all looming in his mind and anticipation.

It's more than a fiery furnace and lions den.

*Original artwork credit: Daniel in the Lions' Den by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1917
We Labor Unto Glory

We Labor Unto Glory

It’s Labor Day weekend, so we're going to take a look at Paul's briefest summary of what the Gospel is (Philippians 3:3-14), and then ask how the work God does for us through His Son is meant to help us think about the meaning and manner of our work – whatever that work may be.

Strange Faith

Strange Faith

We are calling our summer series in 1 Peter "Strange Faith" (yes, you might recognize the background to the logo) because as Peter makes clear right from the beginning of his letter, to be a Christian, no matter where you are, is to be in some sense an outsider, one whose beliefs and hopes and actions are seen as strange. While our country and culture were founded upon this belief, times tell us this belief is now viewed as increasingly out of the mainstream. So how shall we think of this strangeness we can't, nor would want to, shake?

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