
All Things New

All Things New

New year (could we hope for something better than the previous year?), new opportunities, new practices--both as individuals and we as a community. What has God made new in Christ which, in saying so, is made to last, made to hold us even if all remains the same as it ever was? In whatever ways we pivot to new things--whether chosen or not--what are those things God has made new upon which all else rests?

Advent 2020: O Come Let Us Adore Him

Advent 2020: O Come Let Us Adore Him

We feel more acutely in this bewildering season what is true of every season: anguish, anger--anything but adoration. But adoration is at the heart of what it means to believe in the One who was God Incarnate, and to adore Him is, among other responses, to bow before Him. For Advent we’ll be looking at texts all of which have someone coming to bow at the feet of Jesus--to worship and adore Him. This week we look at the Magi--the “magicians” like those we heard from in Daniel. What does their brief moment on the stage tell us about adoration?


Of Kings and Kingdoms - Daniel

Of Kings and Kingdoms - Daniel

This fall we turn to the book of Daniel. Of Kings and Kingdoms is our theme: his faithfulness to God in service to multiple foreign kings of multiple kingdoms, with the Kingdom that will outlast them all looming in his mind and anticipation.

It's more than a fiery furnace and lions den.

*Original artwork credit: Daniel in the Lions' Den by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1917

Special Topic: The Lord's Prayer

Of Kings and Kingdoms - Daniel

Of Kings and Kingdoms - Daniel

This fall we turn to the book of Daniel. Of Kings and Kingdoms is our theme: his faithfulness to God in service to multiple foreign kings of multiple kingdoms, with the Kingdom that will outlast them all looming in his mind and anticipation.

It's more than a fiery furnace and lions den.

*Original artwork credit: Daniel in the Lions' Den by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1917

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