
2018 Advent:

2018 Advent: "Strong Female Lead—Led by God: An Advent Series in the Book of Ruth"

The Book of Ruth both connects us to the storyline of Jesus (they’re related!) but also to the beauty of Jesus--in particular His appearing in the flesh, His Incarnation. The struggle found in the story is in fact the struggle of all our stories. Let’s see how the way God works in that struggle explains why hearing this story makes perfect sense during Advent--the season when we practice waiting in earnest for His arrival.

Advent Project

If you’re looking for a special Advent devotional, we suggest jumping in on the Advent Project by Dr. Barry Corey. Click the link below to join in on this daily series that includes music, poetry, art and devotional. It’s one of Patrick’s recommendations for the season!

Everyday Faith: A study in the book of James

Everyday Faith: A study in the book of James

Every life is in some measure lived by faith--placing our trust, our hope, our aspirations on notions whose full reality we can only see through a glass darkly.  Faith is therefore an everyday thing. What then does it look like to live an everyday faith in Jesus as Lord? The letter from James to a church regarded either with great suspicion or utter indifference offers some assistance.

Proverbs, Searching for Wisdom

Proverbs, Searching for Wisdom

Adrift in a sea of information--perhaps to a degree like no other time in human history – we’re all looking for a life-raft known as wisdom: that insight into life informed by knowledge of certain facts but whose essence is the application of that knowledge at the right time, in the right manner, and for the right reasons. For our next season of life together, we’ll look to the Proverbs for the wisdom that reaches into the heart of reality and thereby allows us to flourish. We’ll listen to its pithy axioms and vivid images, not as formulas by which all things turn out well, but as proven experience we dare not ignore – and particularly because that experience looks to the Lord as the author of life and the giver of wisdom.
